Holiday Salutations

12 Dec. 2010, 5:44pm CMTBGKY

Dear Fam­i­ly:

Mer­ry Christ­mas and Hap­py Hol­i­days ! (i hope)

Because we must all pull togeth­er in our Nation’s time of ‘Aus­ter­i­ty’ and yet not appear par­si­mo­nious, I was going to scribe each one of you a hand-writ­ten note, address­ing your indi­vid­ual con­cerns and wish­es. But this requires time for reflec­tion which has not been avail­able to me for some time now, so once again I’ll let loose a blog update in hopes it will make up for the old ink&vellum let­ters I used to send to you deserv­ing few.

Here are the updates: 1.Maconnell is still refus­ing to loosen his reign of intran­si­gence. 2.Scarlett is tran­si­tion­ing from Princess to Bal­le­ri­na Primero. 3.Jackson is suc­cess­ful­ly nego­ti­at­ing la détente with his sib­lings. 4.You shall be receiv­ing a con­ven­tion­al daguer­réo­type of our kids to be con­veyed by your inde­fati­ga­ble US Pot­sage person.

So once again, I apol­o­gize but recent attempts to write/​send Hol­i­day cards have all failed, e.g, the kids get very inter­est­ed in doing exact­ly what Dad­dy is doing, and soon may­hem and anar­chy ensue and the kids have not only writ­ten in per­ma­nent mark­er all over the desk, but the sta­tion­ary is shred­ded and scat­tered every­where like so many snowflakes drift­ing down­ward.1

  1. 6:43PM As I fin­ish edit­ing this, there are a whole lot of snowflakes com­ing down out­side our and prob­a­bly your win­dow too. []