brief update 25Oct2010

24oct2010 5:33PM CMT BKGY

Jack has been climb­ing up the stairs. To the top. And Sits there with a big wide grin. His arms wide, each one hold­ing a remote con­trol, which he blinks on and off. He has fall­en a few times. Not for lack of try­ing, we have tried to pre­vent this. We have up gates and he wormed his way through them. Already out­smart­ing us.

It is thun­der­ing out­side. Haven’t heard real light­ning in a long time. It goes on for far longer than I remem­ber and longer than I thought pos­si­ble out here in the Mid­West, like drop­ping a rock down a very deep well, the crum­bling thun­der keeps rolling on and on, remind­ing me of a Finnegans’s Wake passage:

The fall (bababadal­gharagh­takam­mi­nar­ronnkonnbron­nton­nerronntuon­nthun­ntrovar­rhounawn­skawn­toohooho­or­de­nen­thur­nuk!) of a once wall­strait old­parr is retaled ear­ly in bed and lat­er on life down through all chris­t­ian minstrelsy.