
August 31st2024

August 20th, 2024 4AM time 1:34 min­nutes Miles: 2.78 Get­ting to know this par­tic­u­lar skunk who inhab­its a bit of field across from the local hos­pi­tal. I am still wary but clear­ly it is used to peo­ple since it looks as i walk by but does­nt freeze. Even­tu­al­ly it will wan­der away but still. It seemed to be about 4 to 5am when i see skunks for some reason

august 23 small back­pack with water

35 min­utews of weight lifit­ing August 24 Mi 2.38 miles and 0.85 miles Did my first hike in a long time on a real trail Got the Pin­ni­cale Peak. Then prompt­ly got loss think­ing the trail looped around. It was all down­hill and it just seemed to be longer than the first half until i rea­zlied with a jolt i had no idea where I was so i turned around and hiked straight up faster than i want­ed. and then took the exact­ly path back to the car.

Lat­er I went to Dought­ton park. It was the first time i went fish­ing in the moun­tains and i had no clue that was 2016 (8 years ago) That time there was a severe drought and the creek lit­er­al­ly had no water so I fig­ured i need­ed to head up to find the water and the fish. I didn know water flows down­hill apparenltl­ly. I almost made it ot the camp­site but i was alrady tired from the first hike to pinaa­cle and so turned think­ing I am going to come back and do this trail. and maybe camp at that spot i stum­bled onto year ago.

August 25 ter­ri­bly sore, knees, left knee real­ly, hurt

August 28 30lb ruck­suck time 1:38 min­uts miles 3 from the house. saw the same skunk. we nod­ded at each oth­er If I want to do at least ten miles a day on the AT, I will need to doing ten miles a week. so that means at least three 3‑miles hikes with my 30lb pack which just seems impos­si­ble to me August 29th left knee again real­ly sore. was told that maybe i need to decrease the weight. i was thin­ing I was ready to increase to 45 lbs, but clear not yet. Need to go slow­er. Slow the tran­ing pace. inter­est­ing I’ve lost about 8lbs. My dream is go hyper­lite but clear­ly the first thing to shed pounds off is myself


August 18th 2024 7:31pm Scar­lett and Jenn are up again in the North­east look­ing swankly col­leges that have gym­nas­tics teams. Jack had anoth­er grass Vol­ley­ball tour­na­ment. He took Niky and Abrams and it was anoth­er long hot, some­times tor­pid day. But I got some prac­tive set­ting up my tarp and learn­ing to use a bow­line and hitch knot to set up a sun­block in the ear­ly morn­ing and lat­er after­noon as the sun tried to find ways to bake us fur­ther Since August 6th. It was Mac’s 18th birth­day. I still don’t know how I feel about that. It’s a lot to take in. In some ways, I am sad. I dont know why. Still need to think about it

August 7th: Took a long hike along the beach 2:46 hr/​minutes 4.31 miles 20lb ruck­sack 3820″/mi pace (it was on the beach, but still) Legs were com­plete­ly blown out for a few days

August 11th Weight train­ing Clearn­ing the ruck­ing has help some­thing since it seemed the weights were eas­i­er to life despite some time off

August 14th 1:06 hr/​minutes 2.03 miles 3254″/mi pace 20lb rucksack

August 16th 1:15 hr/​minues 2.12 miles 351730lb Ruck­sack. Boy this felt real­ly heavy Also wore my bear­spray chest rig and of course the hik­ing poles Start a lit­tle late so of course a acqui­tance who was doing an ear­ly moren­ing walk texted me to ask i was walk­ing ear­ly that morn­ing (in a ridu­cu­lous get up)

August 17th: Vol­ley­bal tounament

August 18th: Althought I did­nt feel like I got a bit done today Did some study questins and did ok on them then took a hike, should have left ear­ly but i think i found a good trail which I used to run on at the near­by park 1:23 min­uts 2.26 min­utes 3707″ mi pace 30lbs again. did­nt feel any eas­i­er today I think i want at least 40lb com­fort­ab­ley and then keep going longer and focuse on con­tin­ued weight loss. Right now its strength build­ing which I lost since at least my dad died.
I think I’m start­ing to feel bet­ter about that.

Training for the AT

July 30th2024


Just fin­ished walk­ing around our neigh­bor­hood which is hilly and annoy­ing to take a walk in unless you’ve decid­ed you are going to hike the AT and have bought a ruck­sack and 20lbs of weights and a hat to block the sun and some hik­ing poles to get used to and some rick­ety ass san­dals and then spent the next 35 min­utes slow­ly walk­ing to main­tain your heart rate in Zone 2 , wav­ing at every­body dri­ving past and they almost all wave first because you look at as com­i­cal­ly pathet­ic as you imag­ine. But it’s the first step. And the first step is how it all beings.

Time 36:37
